Sunday, July 31, 2011

Shakes, No Shakes

This past weekend was very good in some respects and very difficult in other respects. Saturday was the day that was both the hardest and easiest. On one hand, my husband and I took a little day trip to eat out in Dickson, TN. On the other hand, my body decided to go haywire on me. I had several very strong spasms/jerks/jolts while I was eating out. This made me very tired. It caused 4 hours of shaking on my entire my left side after the jolts stopped.

I had been taking tons of pictures, but that stopped for the day.

There were things I wanted to do in Dickson that we didn't get a chance to do because I became much too tired to do much of anything. Walking from the one museum we went to back to our car was the proof to me that I simply needed to go home. Even sitting a cafe to drink a cup of decaf and talk to my hubby would have been too much.

The feeling of defeat at my own body is maddening.

But, it is humbling too. I have limitations. Sometimes they are placed where I expect them to be, and other times they are placed smack dab before me without any warning.

After the little day trip, I slept for almost 14 hours straight.

Today, I went to church, then to work for a few hours. I only worked for a fraction of the time I had expected to work. This was partly because I found lots of beautiful things to take in with my camera since my hands weren't shaking. It was also partly because I am still very, very tired.

I only had a handful of spasms/jolts today, but the ones I have had have made me stop and let myself become tired and not fight the fatigue.

So, this weekend's blog post is about the different moods I have been in. These are all pictures I took yesterday or today.

Peace and hugs,


P.S. I have been asked by a few people what model of camera I have. I take all of these pictures with my phone. I don't use a special camera. Just a Droid 1. Nothing with a zoom lens or anything. I simply take pictures of what I see around me with my phone.

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