Thursday, July 7, 2011

Can a syrinx just be a cool name for a cat?

Damn, I have to make a note and put it somewhere in my brain that a syrinx and a sphynx aren't the same thing. I keep spelling both words incorrectly. I learned today that I have two bulging discs in my cervical spine as well as a small syrinx, which is a fluid filled cyst inside my spine. I have googled the hell out of syrinxes, Syringomyelia, and other key words. In case you have no idea what I'm writing about, I'll give you a clue, it has nothing to do with Styx. Get that song out of your head.

I recommend and

The problem I now face is that I haven't had an appointment yet with the doctors who can tell me about MY syrinx. So, maybe I'll just think about the Great Sphinx in Egypt and sphincters and sinks. It's no wonder I can't spell this scary new word correctly. SYRINX, SYRINX, SYRINX. There. I typed it three times.

I prefer not to think about it.

Instead, I'll think about all the things I was able to do today:

I worked.
I walked.
I felt my hot coffee mug as I drank coffee. And then more coffee, and then some red chai with Sweet and Lo (Because I'm trying to cut down on my Aspertame consumption. Long story).

Mmm... coffee and chai.

Chai tea reminds me of the other word I keep coming across. Chairi Malformation. I don't have this. Lots of people who have syrinxes have a Chairi Malformation. I shall think, hope, and pray for all of them every time I drink chai tea.

I shall call this day One of my Vantage Point. I will forget (ok, ignore... ok, stomp down and scream violently at the thing inside my spinal cord) the pain and focus on positive things.

Today, I am me. I did all the normal things that I would normally do such as go to work, drive home, visit with family members, and avoid housework.

I do rather like avoiding housework. My Vantage Point is that I will continue this particular ritual religiously until I can't stand not doing housework any longer.

Yes, today is Day One but not Day One of any condition or future troubles. Today is Day One of my continued avoidance of housework.

Isn't that better than thinking about the sphincter muscles of a sphynx sitting by a sink listening to Styx?

Words will be my therapy for awhile. Bear with me as I travel this road, even if I eventually have to be dragged down it.

Happy Thursday. Peace and hugs,


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